Thanks guys,
Yeah, those bones of the Skeleton Warriors are pretty handy :)
I totally agree on the lights. I will work my way from the black primer, then start lighting the throne area - which I intend to be in blue moonlight - then the central "fire area", and finally the outer areas, which will most likely be lighted by the power blades.
Well, in discussing the build in one of the forums I got the sudden urge to add an Indiana-Jones-Style character.
The initial idea was to add a human, based on IG parts. But that wouldn't really make sense with my Crimson Guardians Space Marines - they wouldn't be accompanied, or even bossed around by a mere human.
So I decided to use a Marine with a Apothecary weapon and a head with a hat - it's one of the excellent Mad Robot Miniatures Boonie Hats.
And with a bit of GreenStuff to give it a "neck" the head fits really nicely.
If I recall correctly Dr. Jones is always carrying a satchel-bag, isn't he?
Well, he'll definitely will get a whip.
Anvildude (on DakkaDakka) suggested that the Ork skeletons pants should be more carved out, as they are too well filled out.
I gave it a try...
But I have to say for my taste it is too much work for too little effect. What do you say?
That's as far as I got last night.
But here is another positioning shot.
The (currently still Blood Angels) Termie is the central piece and will be the focal point and also the source of most of the light (hopefully).
As you can see by the small rod, his fire will be aimed at the (not yet existing) Ork strangling the Marine on the floor.
I have to add an Ork directly in front of the guy with the hammer, one to the kneeling guy on the left, and the one "Strangler".
Green indicates the Orks, yellow the muzzle flashes, and blue the power blades.
Too busy?
Whaddaya think?