But I was able to continue with the ZEUS.
This time I did the freehand for the side-door/ramp. I had a rather good idea of what I wanted to do, as it was based on a medal - maybe one of you will recognize which medal I based it on?Anyhow, I started with the outlines in pencil, and then with thinned Bleached Bone
Then a second layer of thinned BB and first items in Red Gore - then Blood Red and Blazing Orange (the dark area is done with a brown airbrush ink.
Then I started to complete it with Shining Gold, starting with the XIX in the center
More Gold
Then I did the darker areas with thinned Tin Bitz and the highlights with a mix of Burnished Gold and Skull White
and mounted the ramp on the ZEUS again
Unfortunately I couldn't find any good samples of Battle/Honor rolls or banners, so I made my own interpretion of one:
Punitor Imperatoris - "Punisher of the Emperor" is the ZEUS' official name
Xanthium was the defense of the Macropole of Dencara 5,
I. Purgare was the first "cleaning" campaign against the Orks
Camp Meridies was the first campaign into the southern hemisphere
FAC-WIP-07 was the "Fast Attack Contest" at WIP which my THANTALOS won
WSB08 was another contest at WIP
II. & III. Purgare was the second and third cleaning campaign
Camp II. Meridies was the second campaign into the southern hemisphere of Dencara 5
I think it fits nicely into the overall picture.
I think it fits nicely into the overall picture.
Sorry for the slightly blurred images, but actually I'm pretty satisfied with the coloring of the barrel, with its brownish color, rather than just black.