I took a few days to experiment with this piece - Codename Pinoccio (still have to find a propa Ork name)
Here are the first pieces I did cut.
And when assembled, they are the base of a foot.
With this foot design it is possible to walk over broken terrain and debris.
Attached to a leg.
With knee.
Yes, they look very slim - but at the moment they are only the bones, the skeletton.
I will add lots of armour plates and propa Ork stuff to them.
But for now, it's only the bare bones.
So you can see Pinoccio will be a walker - not as big as a stompa, but larger than a can - maybe like the Mega Dread...
Pretty felxible, isn't he?
Then I started with the basic torso.
Since I want to resemble a basic Ork statue, I took measures of a standard Ork and multiplied it by 7.
In this image the torso is very upright, but that's just for the balance - as all joints are fully functional, it is quite hard to keep it steady enough for a photo :)
I then started to flesh out the torso.
Attached a propa boiler to the rear.
The Dencaran Orks are just as steampunkish as the guard.
The torso, now with a MG gunner, and the left arm.
Again, the arm is fully functional.
Then I created a powa claw for the arm.
As with the legs, the arm itself is just bare bones so far.