For this I selected a Tank Commander torso, a pointing arm, and one of the officer heads.
With some chopping, cutting and glueing he slowly came together.
He's now ready for some major sculpting with GS.
The Vox Caster in the chopper received his head
and is looking veeeery cool.
Another character for the scene is a maintenance soldier, holding a hose ... could be fuel, auxilary power ... whatever.
I decied to build a deck vehicle that can pull the planes from the elevator to launch position, as well as provide aux power and the like...
So I assembled some wheels and left-over tracks.
So I assembled some wheels and left-over tracks.
and build a steam powered little vehicle...the "Hooker" :)
Actually it's more a kit bash than a scratch build, but it really serves the purpose.
Then it was time for a staging test of the scene on the ATHENA:
With this I started to arrange the characters on a sheet of plasticard.
I'm not sure if it will really be the final postition, but it's a start to see how they all fit together.
I need to make sure that no item really blocks sight to any of the other items, so that will be quite a challenge.