The plan is to have it painted black, with maybe a tiger image on the fuselage,
while the Tiger Team will be in complete Dencarian Camo.
I found an absolutely wonderful and gorgeous image of a tigers face via google search and so I started to scetch out the tigers face on the fuselagewith pencil.
Then I used Snot Green as base color for the eyes.
Scab Red for the mouth and tounge.
Tanned Flesh for the nose and gum.
I used a 1:1 mix of Tallarn Flesh and Solar Orange as base for the orange hair.
And with Fortress Grey I layed down the base for the white hair.
I used Bleached Bone for the teeth,
and then used Chaos Black for all the black areas.
With the base colors down, I started to do the shading.
Adding Scorched Brown to the previous Tallarn/Orange mix.
Then Gnarlok Green for a lighter area of the eyes, as well as a darkened (with Scorched Brown) Snot Green for the darker areas of the eyes.
Then I added Bubonic Brown to the original Tallarn/Orange mix for the orange highlights.