For this I mounted each on a small rod, that I can mount on a piece of wood.
Really helpful for spray painting the base coat.
Since I really want to know how the sniper turns out, I started with him.
First was a quick brush of Terracotta,
followed by Bronzed Flesh,
and Scorched Brown, as well as some spots of a 1:1 Scorched Brown and Chaos Black mix.
The rifle was based with Snakebite Leather and then a pattern of Tanned Flesh, Elf Flesh, and Scorched Brown.
The base color for the skin was Dwarf Flesh, and the shows as well as the respirator received a coat of dark grey.
With these base colors I wanted to see if/how the Ghillie camouflage would work on the Dencara landscape.
For this I used the baseplate of the THANTALOS diorama ( ).