Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Steampunk Motorcycles?

I've previously mentioned here that I was looking into some scout units or rough riders, and that I was tinkering about mounting them on "steampunk motorcycles".
So I spent some time over the last view days looking for steampunk cycles.
There is some really great artwork out there, some brilliant ideas too. And there are some that I could imagine for my Dencarians.
So here are some rough sketches of what I could see as rough rider SP-motorcycles. Please remember they must blend in with the ZEUS, the walkers, and the infantry...so no real modern Sci-Fi anime bikes.....

Currently I favor "E" as this could easily mount weapons, and I think I can get a good design for scratchbuilding 4 or 5 of them. "A" would probably fit the Kinder-egg theme, but would definately require casting. "B", "F", and "G" would be hard to balance, so they'd always need a base...
So, any ideas?


  1. http://www.tabletopgamingnews.com/2009/02/10/23168

    Here's a "motorcycle" that fits the design you're going for perfectly. You can get 3 of them for 25 Euros. You've got to supply your own driver, gun, and base, but these are really cool and would fit your army perfectly.

  2. I just saw 'E' on a retail site recently... where the hell was it? Oh yea! Over at Tobsen 77 miniatures. I think his site is in English and Deutsch if that's any help!

  3. Wow guys!
    This is great!
    Thanks for the links

  4. A few months ago, I was actually trying to build design E myself.

  5. Hi King_Mob,
    any success?
    Maybe you can give me some tips?

  6. Ok those bikes are cool time to get out the plasticard and cutting tools. motivation has struck.
